In this page I maintain some software that I have contributed to.


GraPeS means Grammar Parser for Shapes. It is a software for parsing facade images using shape grammars. This software was mainly developped by Olivier Teboul, Panos Koutsourakis and myself. A dedicated page is avalaible here where you can download the software.


You can download RFLib here.

RFlib is a C++ library that implements Randomized forest classifiers for multi-class supervised learning. This library was initially develpped by Olivier Teboul and myself. It was then refactored in its current (nice and generic) implementation by Olivier Teboul.

The provided source code includes the header and the code files, and does not depend on any external library. The code let the possibility to add your own kind of feature vectors, whatever the dimensions or types. For that matter, you only have to write your own class, deriving from IFeatureVector, and implement the operator[] and the method size().

For more information about the code itself please send me an email. If you use this code for a scientific publication, please do not forget to explicitely mention Ecole Centrale Paris's RFlib in your paper.

And here are few reference works on Randomized Forests.


You can download Panoramix here.

Panormaix is a matlab toolbox implementing image stitching. It was mainly developped by Julie Gauthier during an internship under my supervision.

The toolbox relies both on VLFeat and RANSAC. Are only provided in the archive, the .m scripts written by Julie Gauthier.